Save Bennachie
The Save Bennachie Alliance is working together to defend Bennachie from the re-routing and dualling of the A96 and providing solutions to the area's traffic problems.
Why is Bennachie in Danger?
Transport Scotland is progressing the programme to upgrade the A96 between Aberdeen and Inverness to dual carriageway standard by 2030.
A number of route options near Inverurie are being considered and some of these encroach upon Bennachie and its surrounding area.
The Save Bennachie Alliance is working to protect and defend Bennachie and its surrounding area from any encroachment by the new A96 dual carriageway.
We want to engage with all stakeholders to ensure that they understand the local concerns about the environmental and human impact of each route and highlight the benefits of the alternative routes.
How Can You Help?
Step 1. Newsletter Sign-Up
Please take a moment to leave your e-mail address so that we can send you a newsletter with a summary of what is happening.
Step 2. Follow Us
Please take a moment to follow us on Twitter or "Like Us" on Facebook. This is a simple way to help spread the word and allows us to engage with more people.
Step 3. Tell Your Friends
Please tell your friends and family about Transport Scotland's plans for the A96 and chat about the impact on Bennachie and to your life.
Share This Site Via E-MailDo You Want Your Concerns Addressed? How to contact Amey-Arup and Transport Scotland
Should you wish to contact AmeyArup, details for the community engagement team are:
Stakeholder Co-ordinator: Bonny Pailing
Tel: 01467 672500
Landowner and Communities Manager: Billy Gordon
Tel: 01467 672500
By post: AmeyArup, Office 7, Thainstone Business Centre, Thainstone, Inverurie, AB51 5TB
For further information on the A96 Dualling Programme, please contact:
By post: A96 Dualling Team, Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF
Press Release - Response To Transport Scotland Announcement
Save Bennachie is largely relieved that route options passing close to Bennachie are no longer included in the revised route options for the eastern section of the A96 dualling project announced today by Transport Scotland and Amey Arup Joint Venture.
Call To Action - Initial Route Options Public Exhibitions - October 2018
The Save Bennachie Campaign are calling upon our supporters and all those who love and want to protect Bennachie from this 4 lane dual carriageway to try to attend these events.
Constructive Meeting with Scottish Transport Minister
Save Bennachie campaign say they have had a positive meeting with the Transport Minister who will be responsible for deciding the fate of Bennachie.
Ten Seconds to Save Bennachie
The Save Bennachie Alliance is launching a new social media initiative to help stop a dual carriageway being carved through one of Scotland’s most precious landscapes. The project featuring short clips from the general public will launches on Facebook and Instagram.