Save Bennachie Blog

To help everyone appreciate the importance of Bennachie to the local area and the community we have started a blog about Bennachie where guest bloggers post their articles.

Bennachie v Kinder Scout

Bennachie v Kinder Scout

11 January 2018
The Mass Trespass on Kinder Scout took place on 24th April 1932. About 400 ramblers mainly from Manchester ‘invaded’ Kinder Scout in the Peak District and were confronted by a posse of gamekeepers and police. This event... Read More...

Discovering Britain - The Most Loved Hill in Britain?

Discovering Britain - The Most Loved Hill in Britain?

1 March 2017
Bennachie, a hill that has an important place in the hearts of local people. The late Lord Aberdeen wrote: "To Hell with your Alps, Rockies and Himalaya, Bennachie - the centre-stone of the County of Aberdeen - is the hill for me". Read More...

The Perfect Way To See in 2017!

The Perfect Way To See in 2017!

1 January 2017
It was great to see in 2017 at the top of the Mither Tap! Read More...

NASA Links with Bennachie

NASA Links with Bennachie

13 December 2016
In the 1970s a reddish mineral was found on Bennachie near the Rowantree Tree Car Park and it was named "Macaulayite". Learn why NASA is so interested in Macaulayite which is found nowhere else on Earth by watch the BBC news video. Read More...

Summer Solstice Run Up Bennachie

Summer Solstice Run Up Bennachie

10 August 2016
There are some runs that you want to erase from memory forever and some you want to remember forever. Bennachie always makes for a beautiful run but throw in a sunset and good company and it is definitely one never to forget. Read More...

Our Wee Mountain

Our Wee Mountain

21 July 2016
My pal Graham and I have an impressive record in mountain ranges on several continents, I specialise in failing to summit and Graham is renowned for falling, at least once, on most of the mountains that we’ve been on... Read More...

Bennachie in 2 Minutes!

Bennachie in 2 Minutes!

9 April 2016
We are pleased to add our first video blog entry from Grant Garden. Read More...

My Favourite Place in Scotland

My Favourite Place in Scotland

6 April 2016
This blog post was originally written for the Scottish Book Trust’s ‘My Favourite Place in Scotland’ initiative and has been contributed to this blog. Read More...

Running in Autumn

Running in Autumn

21 March 2016
I have been a distance runner since schooldays in Aberdeen. Best racing performances were in my late twenties - I was Scottish Marathon Champion in 1975, Read More...

What Bennachie Means To Me

What Bennachie Means To Me

5 March 2016
Bennachie means a lot to me, it was the first hill I climbed with my dad and I like stopping halfway for a snack and a juice before I continue on my adventure! Read More...

Chongs Go To Bennachie

Chongs Go To Bennachie

27 February 2016
I have climbed Bennachie twice now, once in the summer and once in autumn. Once it was sunny and once not so sunny. The first time we climbed it, it was a lovely day and we were looking for something to do before going to our friend's house and we came across Bennachie... Read More...

Get Linked Communities

Get Linked Communities

26 February 2016
On the 22nd and 23rd of January 2016, eight runners took to the trails to link up communities across Aberdeenshire following trails and forest paths. Read More...

Weekly Illuminator Training

Weekly Illuminator Training

26 February 2016
Once a week, running constellations come together at the foot of Bennachie. Runners from Insch Trail Runners, Donside Chainsaw Club, Cosmic Hillbashers and Garioch Gazelles join forces to test themselves against the slopes... Read More...

My Bennachie

My Bennachie

22 February 2016
Lynda Bain posts about her earliest memories of Bennachie and the importance to her and her family in our lives. Read More...

Bennachie and its Hinterland - A Landscape of Community

Bennachie and its Hinterland - A Landscape of Community

20 February 2016
Bennachie and its environment form the focus for a long-term research strategy involving the University of Aberdeen and the local communities of the area. This project - in its 6th year - is known as Bennachie Landscapes and is co-ordinated by the Bailies of Bennachie and staff attached to the University of Aberdeen. Read More...

Please Help: If you would to contribute a blog posting please e-mail