AGM Meeting November 2018
November 2018
As you may know the recently announced route options for the dualling of the A96 no longer present a direct threat to the Bennachie massif, which is a considerable relief to the Save Bennachie Campaign. It is, however, disappointing that one of the route options does impinge slightly on the Special Landscape Area (SLA) which has recently been granted.
In view of this the Save Bennachie Core Team has decided to suspend direct involvement in the on-going public debate about the new route options. However we shall maintain our contacts with Amey Arup Joint Venture and Transport Scotland so as to remain informed about developments in the process over the next twelve months until a preferred route option is announced towards the end of next year. In this way should the threat to Bennachie return, we would be in a position to take action.
In order to do this we need to maintain our status as a constituted group. Accordingly we will hold a brief procedural Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 27th November at 10:30 in Fetternear Hall to which you are cordially invited.
The Save Bennachie Core Team would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone for your support for the Campaign.
The minutes of the 2018 public meeting and AGM are available for download 2018-11-24-minutes.pdf (PDF).